Saturday, October 27, 2012

Thad Face

Detail from a panel of Symphony Number Six - this is the protagonist, Thaddeus Johnson: pianist, professor of music history, and assistant conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cozy Sn6 Panel

My most favorite comics, the ones that have "stuck with me" long after I put them down, have not necessarily been the ones with the most compelling plots or the greatest characters, even though those things are really important. They've been the ones that create a real sense of mood or atmosphere. I know that's not a very original thing to say, but it's true. I'm taking my best stab at it with my new comic, "Symphony Number Six." I'm so happy that I started inking these pages right as the weather is turning cold and rainy here in Portland, OR!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

First Inked Sn6 Panel

First inked panel from Symphony Number Six. I'm so excited!

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