I'm finally back! Apologies to the regular readers of this blog (and Google Analytics tells me there are THOUSANDS)for not having posted something in over a month. This is really the unpardonable sin of blogging.
But the damned are full of excuses and here are mine:
1.) Since I stopped being allowed to hang out at Periscope every day, I haven't had regular access to their two industrial-strength scanners. However this is not really an excuse, since I have taken out a membership at the Independent Publishing Resource Center here in Portland. The IPRC is a veritable Jerusalem for the city's zinesters and comics people. (Indeed, both the Zinesters and the Comics people claim the IPRC as their ancestral homeland, with every outburst of comicaze attacks provoking new levels of Zineist oppression - but that's another story.) They have something like six scanners, one of which is often functioning!
2.) I spent the better part of June erecting a website for my graphic novel, Savage Nobles in the Land of Enchantment. If you haven't seen this site yet, don't waste any more time here! Go! Click! Now!

3.) I've been grappling with the usual "starving artist" problems this month as well, since the loss of my purely symbolic job led me to realize my very actual lack of income. I am still busily looking for work here in Portland, which at 10.2% unemployment is not that easy. (My hometown of New Orleans is at 7.0%) Especially not with all these #$%!*@^ lazy artists taking all the barista jobs!
4.) I also moved to a new house! It's a great place with two cats and five people. Many of them (the people, not the cats) are also into comics/graphic-fiction/visual-narrative/sequential-art/making-up-your-own-fake-undergraduate-major. Our "Mad Woman in the Attic" is Katy Ellis O'Brien, who's putting my work ethic to shame churning out panel after panel of hand-painted comics. Literally panels - she paints them on pieces of wood.
Anyway, the above sketch is the view from one of the two windows of my new room. We live really close to highway 84, though the ambient noise is not that annoying; I can pretend I live by the ocean. Less endearing is the enormous Budweiser logo that tops the Freud-inspired tower across the street. The neon red "B" shines at me nightly like the eyes of Dr. T J Eckelburg. That's right, I just made a simile comparing a sign to another metaphoric sign. This is why I am a natural graphic novelist.
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